thoughts Jill Bewernick thoughts Jill Bewernick

5 Hard Lessons I Was Forced To Learn Last Year

Last year was a doozy for me. I faced the lowest of lows and felt so incredibly uncomfortable for the entire year.

I went through feelings I had never felt before and was forced to learn lessons I couldn’t avoid. Like all hardship though, there’s usually something good that comes on the other side of it.

So with that, I want to share with you 5 hard lessons that I was forced to learn last year. I learned …

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thoughts Jill Bewernick thoughts Jill Bewernick


Fear is a tricky thing to face. I’m not entirely sure if we will ever fully get over certain fears in life, or if over time stepping out in fear slowly makes it go away or at least shrinks it.

Regardless, I think it’s important to lean into what our gut and irritation is telling us in this current moment of time and face up to some of those fears we dread to act in yet secretly want to; that is if you value taking action in life like I do.

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